How to delete unwanted Android system app ?
We need the right to delete unwanted Android system app.
Android mobile operating system is open source that anyone can get this with freedom in use. But this sometimes can be cause of trouble. Some Android manufacturers or mobile telecom companies(Mobile ISP) put their own applications into Android smart phone without user permission to delete them.
But this kind of application consumes battery capacity because they keep running in the background, and sometimes delayed other app.'s running speed by increasing CPU load.
Some countries' regulation authorities or national assembly are now paying attention to give user back the freedom to delete these unwanted Android system applications which is installed by manufacturer or mobile ISP.
Google Reference phone with freedom in app. Source:
Rooting to get root permission on Android system.
Android system application is located at the folder where root user is only permitted to access. Therefore Android rooting is required to delete any unwanted system app.
For rooting, there are many methods which can be found in Internet. Please do rooting first to go further in deletion process.
Select and delete application you want to delete at '/system/app'.
After rooting, you can now access system application folder using 'Root Explorer' app. Please find any application you don't want and delete it. Then any system app you delete will not run again any longer.
It is important that you should not delete any essential Android system app. If you delete any required system app. mistakenly, your Android smartphone might not work. The easiest way to identify your target app. is checking out icon of app. shown on Root explorer.
Here is example of '/system/app' folder.
Regulation authorities needs to rule and force user's unwanted system app. stored to '/data/app' for free deletion.
Android's application which can be freely deleted by user's intention should be stored at folder '/data/app'. If any manufacturer or mobile ISP need to put their own application, this needs to be regulated or forced to be stored at this folder. Then user can delete those application in any time by their intention.
The below is an example of '/data/app' folder.
If you want to get free in all of your Android permission, purchase Google Reference phone.
If you are still struck by unwanted system application and those are annoying you in any foam, I would recommend you buying Google Reference phone which have no useless system app.
At this time, Nexus 5 are available as a Google reference phone who has most recent Android version 4.4 Kitkat. Refer to next Google play for further information(Google Play Link for Nexus 5).
Freedom is always good even in an application of smart phone. Enjoy them !